People unknown at Ariman bar, Lund

The last Sunday afternoon I walked around Lund, I left my house around 11 am and decided to spend time at the Stad Biblioteket, it is open every day from 11 am, even Sundays. As every Sunday I went to listening the English mass version at Domkyrka (The Church)  for the English speakers and foreign […]

Medium Format Photography

Medium format photography typically refers to images produced on 120 type film which is much wider than the standard 35mm film. 120 film has a constant width, however the aspect ratio can vary depending on the type of camera used. The most popular ratios are square format (6×6), 6×9, 6×7, 6×4.5 and you can also […]

Democracía Participativa

Foto Emma Ebintra Al empezar a escribir a cerca de Democracia Participativa pensé que la mayoría de las personas tendrían una clara idea de lo que esto significa, sin embargo, a lo largo de las entrevistas a involucrados en el tema, y algunas preguntas puntuales que se realizaron a ciudadanos comunes me di cuenta que […]